Current Projects

Creating Hope with Love
In 2009, CCF built the first children’s home in a remote area of West Africa. A true symbol of hope for God’s forgotten little ones.

Carefully cared for over the years by religious partners who worked tirelessly day and night, these special children grew up radiating the spirit of unconditional love. They became local success stories as they attended school, received medical support, and inspired others to give back.

Catching the eyes of other missionaries and small nonprofits, funding for more children was secured, supplies donated, and by 2019, two additional children’s homes were built. Through God’s grace, CCF’s dream of aiding abandoned and orphaned children had continued and a new community of care and love was built.

With your help in building and funding more children’s homes, we can turn desperate situations into a beacon of hope and love.

Now, CCF is being called to this region of West Africa once again. In Christian partnership through a holistic and collaborative approach, CCF has reignited the Creating Hope with Love Campaign to expand this important mission.

Recently in one of the West African villages CCF has served two orphaned children, Bamorme (age two) and Mbemba (age 13), were wrongfully targeted because of the physical and mental disabilities they were born with.
All too often children like Bamorme and Mbemba are stigmatized, even seen as a problem or a threat when the reality is they are simply in need of care, and love. Just one example of many children who are displaced because of their unfortunate special needs. Join our united coalition and become a CCF donor to help expand this new community and save these kids. As Helen Keller says: “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”