
“I am because of who we are.”
Desmond Tutu

CCF welcomes one-time as well as long-term volunteers for our domestic programs.  From skilled and professional volunteering to event and visitation opportunities, please consider giving the gift of your time and talent to help make a difference!

Professional Volunteering

Professional Volunteers help us maximize our resources by providing a range of services and new insights from experience in law and accounting to business and information technology which CCF could not normally access.

Visitation Opportunities

CCF Volunteers help us deliver the support and love that ultimately helps children in need.  Through several CCF partners, we offer visitation opportunities to orphanages where volunteers might play, work on craft projects, read with children or simply hold an infant who needs love.

Event Volunteering 

CCF raises a portion of its funds each year through high-profile celebrity events as well as smaller cherished occasions; which both provide significant benefit to CCF charities.  CCF event volunteers are key to maximizing event success, becoming part of a growing global community united around the needs of children.

Hands-on Activities 

Whether volunteering for a CCF charity event or helping to improve the lives of children in need, taking hands-on action is a win-win. From being of service in the truest sense to building life-long relationships, CCF believes giving of one’s self for another unites and enriches our global community.

How To Get Involved 

If you are interested in becoming a CCF volunteer or supporting any of our CCF volunteer programs, please contact CCF Volunteer Resources: +1.310.281.4753.

CCF Volunteer Application

All volunteers who have direct contact with CCF children, must be over 18 years of age, are required to download, complete and return the Application for Volunteer Service, and consent to a criminal and personal background check. This policy is mandatory and there are no exceptions. We take the safety of our children very seriously.

Download Application for Volunteer Service